【2008-03-07 中時部落格嚴選好文】
一九九四年我在矽谷的Cadence這家公司工作﹝台灣叫做益華﹞,當時離學校畢業才四年,雖然頭銜是資深技術幕僚,其實還只是個初出社會二十幾歲的小毛頭 ,資歷還算很淺。那時公司除了經理級的人物有自己的辦公室之外,一般的工程師都是坐在用六呎高的隔間圍起,沒有門,比鴿子籠大不了多少的辦公間﹝Cubicle﹞裡。還記得有一天晚上加班待得晚,全公司只剩下我一個人,我起身離開座位伸展一下筋骨,無意間注意到坐在我對面的同事在他辦公桌外的隔牆上張貼了一篇文章,是從『讀者文摘』上影印下來的,文章的標題是“Fast Track Fundamentals”,中文可以翻譯成『快速升遷的基本守則』。這個標題吸引了我的注意,當下就站在走道上閱讀了起來,讀完之後覺得驚為天人,深獲我心,當場就把這篇文章從牆上取下,拿去影印一份自己保存著,再把原本張貼回去。
武俠小說裡常有描述一個平凡無奇、名不見經傳的小伙子,像是張無忌或是楊過,在因緣際會之下,誤打誤撞找到了失傳已久的武功秘笈,因而練成神功,成為武林大俠,打敗那些名門正派出身,從小習武卻不得要領的江湖人士。我不敢自稱是武功高強,不過在現代競爭激烈、十面埋伏的都市叢林裡,發現這三十七條快速升遷的守則,對我來說就像是找到了武功秘笈一樣,這十幾年來的確讓我受益良多。 我每隔一段時間就會把這篇文章拿出來重新閱讀一番,並加以運用在工作場合中,了解了商場上和人際關係間運作的秘訣與奧妙,還真是讓我在行事應對進退之間收到事半功倍之效。
『讀者文摘』的這篇文章其實是由“Never Confuse a Memo with Reality”這本書上節錄下來的,書名直譯成中文就是『別把公司的備忘錄誤認為事實』。這本書在台灣也有中譯本,書名是『做個快樂的上班族』。
- Business is made up of ambiguous victories and nebulous defeats. Claim them all as victories.
商場上充滿著不清楚的勝利和不明顯的失敗──把它們全都宣稱為勝利。 - Keep track of what you do; someone is sure to ask.
隨時掌握你工作的進度;總是會有人問你的。 - Be comfortable around senior managers, or learn to fake it.
在上司面前要能輕鬆地應對自如;如果做不到,至少要想辦法裝得像。 - Never bring your boss a problem without some solutions. You are getting paid to think, not to whine.
永遠別只向上司報告問題而不同時提出解決問題的方案。公司雇用你是讓你來思考的,而不是來發牢騷的。 - Long hours don't mean anything; results count, not effort.
加班並不代表什麼;工作成果──而不是工作時數──才真正算數。 - Write down ideas; they get lost, like good pens.
寫下你的好點子;不然它們會像你最喜歡的一隻筆一樣,一不小心就忘了放在那兒了。 - Always arrive at work 30 minutes before your boss.
總是比你上司早三十分鐘到公司。 - Be sure to sit at the conference table---never by the wall.
開會時要坐在會議桌旁──絕不要躲在會議室的牆邊坐。 - Help other people network for jobs. What goes around comes around.
幫助別人介紹工作,好心是會有好報的。 - Don't take sick days----unless you are.
別請病假──除非你是真的生病了。 - Assume no one can/will keep a secret.
別假設任何人能夠,或是願意保守秘密。 - Know when you do your best---morning, night, under pressure, relaxed; schedule and prioritize your work accordingly.
瞭解自己在什麼情況和時候最有效率──早晨、夜晚、壓力下、輕鬆時;然後依此安排你的工作順序。 - Treat everyone in the organization with respect and dignity, whether it be the janitor or the president. Don't ever be patronizing.
對公司的每一個人──不論是工友或是董事長──都應以尊敬和尊嚴待之。永遠不要擺出高人一等,自以為是的架子。 - When you get the entrepreneurial urge, visit someone who has his own business. It may cure you.
當你有要自行創業的衝動時,不妨去拜訪一些自己開公司作生意的朋友。你可能就此打消你的念頭。 - Never appear stressed in front of a client, a customer or your boss. Take a deep breath and ask yourself: in the course of human events, how important is this?
永遠別在客戶或老闆面前顯示出你承受的壓力過大。先深呼吸一口氣,再問問你自己:跟一連串人類史上的重大事件比起來,這件事有這麼重要嗎? - Recognizing someone else's contribution will repay you doubly.
表揚一個人的功勞會促使他加倍地償還你。 - Career planning is an oxymoron. The most exciting opportunities tend to be unplanned.
『生涯規劃』是一個自我矛盾的說詞。最令人興奮的機會通常是出乎你意料和計畫之外的。 - Always choose to do what you'll remember ten years from now.
永遠選擇做十年後還值得你回憶的事。 - The size of your office is not as important as the size of your paycheck.
你辦公室的大小比不上你薪餉的大小來得重要。 - Understand what finished work looks like and deliver your work only when it is finished.
認清工作全部完成時的成果該是什麼樣子的,然後只在工作全部完成時才交件。 - The person who spends all of his or her time at work is not hard-working; he or she is boring.
成天只在工作的人不是個勤勞的人;而是個無趣的人。 - Know how to write business letters---including thank-you notes as well as proposals.
學會如何寫商用書信──包括感謝函和企劃書。 - Never confuse a memo with reality. Most memos from the top are political fantasy.
別把公司的備忘錄誤認為事實。上層發表的備忘錄大多只是行政上所要製造的假象。 - Eliminate guilt. Don't cheat on expense reports, taxes, benefits or your colleagues.
避免內疚。別在費用報表、報稅單、醫療保險上,或是同事間作假。 - Reorganizations mean that someone will lose his or her job. Get on the task force that will make the recommendations.
公司內部改組代表有人的職位會不保了。想辦法加入推薦改革方案的專案小組。 - Job security does not exist.
沒有任何工作能保障你永遠不會丟掉飯碗。 - Children are a source of truth and ideas. The best icebreaker to use in intense meetings is one I heard from a six-year-old: "Raise your hand who's mad."
兒童是真相和靈感的來源。我所聽過在討論激烈的會議中打破僵局最有效的方法,是一個六歲小孩說的一句話:「誰生氣了請舉手。」 - Always have an answer to the question: "What would I do if I lost my job tomorrow?"
永遠準備好以下問題的答案:「如果我明天失業了該怎麼辦?」 - Go to the company holiday party.
要參加公司逢年過節舉辦的餐會。 - Don't get drunk at the company holiday party.
別在公司的年節餐會上喝醉失態。 - Avoid working on the weekends. Work longer during the week if you have to.
盡量避免用週末來工作。如有必要,寧可在平日加班。 - The most successful people in business are interesting.
商場上最成功的人通常也是最有趣的。 - Sometimes you'll be on a roll and everything will click; take maximum advantage. When the opposite is true, hold steady and wait it out.
有時你手風正順,事事順利;要充分利用良機。當情勢正好相反時,則應咬緊牙關,耐心度過難關。 - Never in your life say, "It's not my job."
這一輩子永遠別說,「這不干我的事兒。」 - Be loyal to your career, your interests and yourself.
別忘了要效忠於你自己的事業、你自己的興趣和你自己。 - Understand the skills and abilities that set you apart. Whenever you have an opportunity, use them.
認清你所擁有讓你與眾不同的本領和技能。一有機會就多加運用它們。 - People remember the end of the project. As they say in boxing, "Always finish stronger than you start. "
3 則留言:
"Don't get drunk at the company holiday party.別在公司的年節餐會上喝醉失態。"
"Never Confuse a Memo with Realty"?
照字面翻譯,是不是 reality 才對?
希望能繼續看到你工作心得的分享唷~ :)